Friday, March 5, 2010

Sunny Days

Yes I have been watching way to much Sesame Street, but the title has nothing to do with it. These past few days have been so nice out that I took Otis and Luke out for some outdoor playtime. I took out Luke's jeep onto our front driveway. I wasn't sure how he would react to being outside because he hasn't really gotten to do this yet. Well, he took off like a pro. He ran that jeep around for a hour. He laughed and giggled the whole time. I can already tell that summertime is going to be a blast.

It's amazing how much he looks like Greg more and more. Where did my genes go?

Sorry, this was after his nap (he ran himself silly). We were having so much fun outside that I didn't take my camera with me. Then once we were already outside I couldn't leave him out and run in to get the camera. So hopefully I'll get a quick video tomorrow.

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